Funding further growth is a challenge for any established business.
Debt Financing happens when a company sells fixed income products to raise capital. These fixed income products are also referred to as debt instruments. Fixed income products include bonds, bills or notes. Debt Financing is a way to raise working capital for the business, just like Equity Financing. However, unlike Equity Financing, Debt Financing creates a debt – also called Principal – that you will have to pay back. Everyone who buys the debt instruments becomes an investor and is entitled to a repayment at a set time when the company promised to repay.
Does Hyaat Capital offer Debt Financing Consulting?
Why you need Hyaat Capital for your Debt Financing Consulting?
Talk to Hyaat Capital Partners Ltd – the business finance facilitation experts
We are an experienced finance facilitation company. We arrange financing and funding for companies through various banking and financing institutions. We add value to your services thanks to our experience, expertise and established working relations with various financing institutions.